
Showing posts from April, 2010

Was I really like that?

It comes to usa all I suppose when we look at young people now and think were we like that when we were young? The answer is simply, most probably! The reckless driving, the wild partying, different women every week. I remember some of the stupid things I did when I was younger( a lot younger), driving the works van into a parked car because I was drunk, rolling a car through a hedge because I was going too fast, crashing a motorbike because I took a corner too fast. Then there was the time the local village had a mass fight with next doors village because someone hit me with a baseball bat! Taking drugs till I overdosed, waking up to a bottle of vodka every morning before work, until I drove my forklift into a 25 gallon drum of poison. Then I grew up. Now wherever I drive I see flowers by the side of the road where someone has died, either through speeding, reckless driving or somebody else driving in the same way. Young kids slumped on the floor down town through binge drinking