
Showing posts from August, 2007

Seed offer

What an offer. Wyevale garden centre have just started their annual sale on seeds. Started off being 50% off but has now gone down to just 50p a packet. Went down yesterday and bought 22pkts of seeds for just £10! tomato- ruby f1 hybrid tomato- gardeners delight(seed mat) tomato- moneymaker(seed mat) tomato-marmande-beef(seed mat) runner bean- rotbluhende(the teanie beanie) beetroot- boltardy(seed tape) beetroot-chiogga pink beetroot- solo f1 hybrid parsnip- tender and true(seed tape) parsnip- tender and true pea- jaguar sweetcorn- f1 swift sweetcorn-f1 applause brussel sprout- bedford carrot- early nantes 5 pepper- summer salad mixed f1 hybrid pepper-(giant vegetable) jumbo sweet cucumber- marketmore broad/fava bean- the sutton cabbage- f1 poet cabbage-savoy estoril f1 hybrid rhubarb- glaskins perpetual radish- scarlot globe cauliflower-lateman Not much variety but as it is going to be my first year on the allotment I just got some of everything to start me off. Hopefully I will be ab

Apple sponge

Here are the Apples that I have grown in our garden. They seem to be cooking apples but Shirl thinks they may be Cox's. They taste ok though so I don't care what they are.

Veg at home

While I wait patiently for my allotment to be ready to grow veg on I continue to grow some at home. Although I only have a very small area at home I do manage to grow a few bits of veg and salad. Potatoes this year were not so good, may be due to the poor weather. The same goes for my shallots(shrivelled up), my peas and broad beans(eaten by snails and slugs), cauliflower(bolted quicker than a horse after a gun shot). Some of the veg still seems to be ok, Sweetcorn, Brocolli, Leeks and hopefully my Pumpkin are growing ok.

The Lottie

These are some of the first pictures of my allotment. As you can see it is completely overgrown with couch grass and weeds. 500sq ft of hell. Winter is going to be hard work. You can see in the distance just how long the area is, and the work that is required to turn this barren waste land into something good. Work has started and I have started to dig over a section at a time. The first space that I have started on is 17ft x 10ft and I have covered another area with a tarpaulin to stop the growth of the couch grass. I started by cutting the top layer off down to approx 2 in deep and stacking it at the back of the allotment upside down. I know this won't kill the grass but once the next area is done the whole back area is going to be covered with Tumbleweed to hopefully kill what ever is left.